Monarch Migration Happenings
Migration Happenings
It's hard to keep up with all the migration happenings.
The Eastern population of monarchs: From peninsulas to coastal ports, Journey North volunteers are documenting monarch roosting behavior. Early in September, monarch roost numbers kept increasing along the shores of the Great Lakes. Mid September, volunteers observed roosts in the central U.S. This week, volunteers are observing roosts in Texas. Along the Atlantic Flyway, the Delaware Bay and the Chesapeake Bay continue to be hotspots for roost activity.
Worries about the impact of extreme weather events abound.
The Western population of monarchs: Journey North volunteers are reporting monarch activity across all Western states.
Eastern Monarch Fall 2022 Report #2»
Western Monarch Fall 2022 Report #2»
Thank you for submitting these valuable observational reports. These reports tell us much about habitat needs and migratory pathways during this critical stage of the monarch annual life cycle.