Wintering Grounds
Guanacaste, Costa Rica is more than 1,500 miles south of the Mexican border. Hummers that travel overland fly across 4 countries to get there — Mexico, Guatemala, Hondouras, and Nicaragua. The distance across these countries equals or exceeds the distance most hummers travel in the U.S. and/or Canada.
"We are located in Bagaces, Guanacaste in the foothills of the Miravalles Volcano. The hummingbirds usually arrive here at one of the wettest times of the year, but weather is warm. Daytime temperatures are typically in the high 80º's or low 90º's. Nights are 10-15º cooler."
In the fall of 2015, on October 24th, Patricia Nethercote sent this image when she reported the first arrival in Bagaces, Guanacaste.